
Reapertale: The goddess of the Harvest pt.2

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Asgore king of gods stared at his garden of flowers, golden and pure. Sighing sadly for his lovely goddess was not beside him. Instead something small reached and tugged at his hand, turning to see....the new goddess created not long ago..young Lemon Lane.

"My king why do you sigh, your garden is beautiful!" Lane smiling so sweetly as she touched a flower, the second she touched the lush blossom it began to grow taller till it stood as tall as her. Her long glowing yellow hair touched the grass making it also grow taller and greener.

"Hehe your doing well with your powers my child." Said Asgore admiring the blossom and grass.

"Yes fa-er I mean Gaster has been teaching me but still doesn't know what kind of goddess I will be." Lane looked at her hands, what would she do when she had her purpose.

"Give it time my child, you will find your place." Asgore reached and touched her hands, smiling sweetly at the blossoming goddess.

"I hope so my king...I feel as if I am nothing but a hinderance on everyone here." Lane looked at her boney feet and sighed.

"Child that is nonsense, you are nothing like that." Asgore gently patted the child's head.

"Perhaps some time to explore shall help you, if not calm your nerves my child." Suggested Asgore, Lane sighed and walked out of the room.

What was she to do, she was a goddess with no purpose. She wandered along the corridors of the great palace, perhaps the king was right and time exploring would be good for her. Surveying the palace she found no one to keep her from escaping, when she saw this she greatly took the opportunity and ran into the woods below. The world outside the palace was wonderful, she ran through meadows and splashed by riversides.

The peace around her seemed to sooth her troubled mind, as she walked a sound unfamiliar to her caught her. It sounded like laughter but not from voices she knew, slowly she approached the joyful sound. Peeking through a small hedge a small settlement appeared before her, two young girls weaving at a loom happy as can be giggling as they placed each thread where it needed to be. Lane was slow to approach but the betrayal of a twig beneath her foot caused a pause to the girls, slowly they looked at her.

"Oh!" The tall girl shot up in surprise.

"Who are you?" Asked the smaller girl.

"I...I..-" Lane was cut off by a gruff young voice.

"Don't you two know a goddess when you see one?!"

Lane spun around, four boys appeared from the top of a fruit tree. The last boy to drop had beautiful ruby eyes that stared directly at Lane, she was frozen in place unable to taken by those eyes. His hair the color of grey snow, shaggy and spiked. He walked up to her.

"Whats yer name?" Asked the grey haired boy.

"L-Lemon Lane..." said Lane a quiver in her voice, the boy was very intimidating.

"Never heard of you, what goddess are you?" Said a tall boy.

"I...I don't know...I'm trying to figure that out...I wandered away to think." Said Lane looking at her feet sadly.

The grey haired boy stared at her, he walked around her examining her from head to toe. He asked her to show some of her powers, she showed her powers with plants though amazing to the other children the grey haired boy shook his head a bit.

"Listen if you wanna stay with us...Lane was it? You have to follow the rules of this place got it?" Said the grey haired boy, Lane looked at him.

"Stay? You'll let me stay here and live with you?" Asked Lane surprised by the sudden offer.

"Yeah why not but you follow our rules got it?" Lane nodded happily.

"Rule one you as a goddess are "not" allowed to use your powers to benefit us, if you give us too much we become greedy and lazy. Rule two you can only use your powers once a year for as long as you live with us and that power must not be squandered. Rule three you must live here as if you were a mortal like us, thats all the rules you need to follow as a goddess. But the rules we made for us mortals is simple, always help out doing chores and always help each other all that?" Asked the grey haired boy.

"I just have one question." Said Lane, the grey haired boy sighed.

"Ok what is it?" He asked in an annoyed tone.

"Whats your name?" Asked Lane. The boy stared at her, of all the questions she was going to ask she asked that one!? The boy pawed at the back of his head for a few seconds before answering her.

"Its....Pup, just Pup.." Said Pup, Lane gave a smile and hugged him causing him to blush hard.

"I'm glad to meet you Pup!" Lane gripped him tight.

Since then Lane had been staying there with the six children, her hair constantly wrapped up in a cloth to keep it from touching the ground or other plants. She learned from the children they were slaves who came with their masters to this area, their masters were trying to cultivate the land but a fever killed them off. Pup told Lane how he took over since he knew how to read and write unlike the others, he told her he had been teaching them.

"I know how to read and write why don't I join in teaching them?" Asked Lane as she finished the last stitch on a new toga.

"You sure you wanna do that, its not easy." Said Pup not trying to sound condescending it really wasn't easy teaching.

"Its fine, I wouldn't mind at all besides it'll give you more time to do other things around here like patching some roof tops or planning out an area where we can make place to bathe." Said Lane holding up the toga into the light to see if she missed anything.

"Huh...yeah thats a good idea, I've been meaning to plan out a spot like that close by." Pup looked around then down at Lane who placed the new toga down and picked up another to mend.

"You know I'm surprised your even staying most gods or goddesses wouldn't dream of giving up their powers to live with mortals." Said Pup sitting down next to her.

"Well I'm not like other goddesses or gods you know." Lane smirked a bit as she continued mending the toga.

"By the way where are the others?" Asked Lane.

"The girls are spreading seeds, the other boys are making another field for some potatoes or wheat." Pup stood up and looked around, he looked out at the forrest.

"We need to start making some bows, arrows and maybe some knives." Pup pulled out some thread to test its elasticity.

"Oh why would you wanna make those, you have no use for fighting." Said Lane wishing not to bring Undyne's wrath on this small patch of paradise.

"Not for fighting, for hunting. We can't survive on fruits and veggies alone we need meat as well, lots of it!" Pup was getting excited, the thought of hunting was a thrilling idea.

"Don't go overboard we are feeding ourselves not a entire village for goodness sake, life understands the needs of survival but will not condone killing for sport." Said Lane scolding Pup.

"Yeah, yeah don't go and start lecturing me already."

The two spared a glance at each other before bursting into laughter, both realizing they sounded like a old married couple. Such a short time in a span of a weeks Lane felt as if she was born in that very place, she never thought she was away for so long even when the winter season ended and spring began again. Too happy she was spending her time with the others she forgot sometime she was even a goddess to begin with. However one day during the months near the end of summer the children found themselves in a predicament while tilling the fields.

It was the horrible heat, even Lane found the heat to be unbearable. Picking weeds and the constant watering of the crops became more and more laboring as the horrible heat continued. Harvesting of the crops was drawing closer, but everyone was growing tired of the heat...Lane wanted to help but what could she do...slowly it came to her. She observed the sky, recalling her lessons from Gerson on how the stars and moon behave she found something perfect.

While the children rested in the shade of a tree, exhausted from toiling Lane took this time to put her plan into motion. While they slept Lane waited....the sun was gone...the moon was rising higher and higher into the sky. Once high enough...she unwrapped her hair and held her arms to the sky and softly began to sing, her voice seemed to lull all around into a welcome embrace. A cooling sensation that was as if kissing summer goodbye and prepping for winters arrival, not with fear or resentment but with joy and wisdom.

The moon as if hearing the song began growing, changing its color from the white ivory to a beautiful gold. More and more Lane sang, feeling the breeze rustle the leaves of the tree's blowing them around her. When she stopped...she looked had worked, the moon was larger then before and shown so bright it lit up the field.

"Everyone, everyone get up!" Lane shouted, Pup woke with a shock along with the other kids.

"OH MY GOSH!" Shouted the tall girl in amazement, all stood looking at the wonder before them.

"Lane what on earth did you do?!" Exclaimed Pup.

"I call it "The harvest moon" with its light we can harvest at night without the burn of the sun on us, sadly this can only last for two nights-" Lane's words were halted by Pups hands gripping her arms and swinging her around.

"Your a genius!" Shouted Pup, he sat her down.

"With this we can harvest the entire crop in one night and not worry about it dying tomorrow in the heat! Wrap your hair up, grab a basket and lets get to harvesting everyone!"

The kids shouted in praise as they began harvesting, the night wind cooled their bodies, the moon didn't burn their skin, in no time they all collected their crops. By morning they would have food a good half of winter but there was still more work to be done. Morning came though the heat was strong the children were elated, the boys gathered their bows & arrows and set out to hunt for meat.

The girls took this time to explore for things to use for tools, while exploring Lane came across discarded bits of metal and beautiful gem stones. Gathering them up Lane moved to a patch of red flowers, picking their petals she would use them to make a dye to color yarn. The smaller girl noticed and couldn't help but be curious.

"Lane why are you picking only red flowers, there are purple flowers there you could use."

"I know but I'm making something special, I only want these things." Lane smiled.

When they returned Lane began her work, it took time shaping the metal to what she desired but managed. She found a moon stone and fit it inside the metal disk creating a pendent, now for what she considered the easy part, weaving a sash. She spun, dyed and weaved a perfect red sash out of the wool the children collected from wild goats.

"Done!" Lane smiled at her creation, she hoped Pup would like it..but when to give it to him was the question.

The boys returned with home with a wild pig in hand, after days of fishing, hunting, forging, weaving and prepping they were ready for a long winter. It was not long before the first snow fell, the children all huddled in a single house by the fire. One particular night Lane and Pup were the only ones up while the others were sound asleep.

"How long have you been here?" Pup asked breaking the silence.

"I suppose it will be close to almost a year now...why do you ask?" Lane noticed he was blushing as he reached into his toga and pulled something out, it was a fang tied to a leather string.

"Its...the fang of the god of winter...they say if you hold it and make a wish it will come true..if it is as pure as the snow is white." Pup dropped it into her hand, she marveled at its pearl color.

"...Since we're giving gifts I have something for you.." Lane smiled as she reached under a cloth.

"Oh don't get all sappy on me Lane I hate-" he stopped when a bundle was thrusted into his hands, a red cloth with something heavy inside. Opening the cloth...he found the pendent gleaming, the cloth was attached to it.

"The a sash for you to wear and the pendent will help keep it fastened, I made them both myself." Lane helped him put on the sash, she smiled as it hung across his chest like the strap of a quiver.

"You look like a proud leader..." Lane smiled as she tied the tooth around her neck, slowly the two drifted off into slumber.

Again spring came, then summer in a blink was done before finally season of harvesting was upon the children again, this year however was something different something special planned from the start of spring. The children all gathered on the second night of the harvest moon and leading Lane to the center of the cleared field they started a bond fire. The girls seated her in where her back was too the moon, Pup sat beside her with a bit of a sly smile.

"What is all this?" Asked Lane.

"Well all decided on a title for you, when we met you had no title but as of tonight you do!" Said the tall girl, the children all then descended on her.

The two girls unwrapped Lane's hair and began to braid it, putting in flowers as they did. The boys handed her a bundle of flowers, vegetables and grains, finally they wrapped a amber cloth around her waist before Pup stood before her.

"Lane, by the gods and goddess from here to the end of time we now call you the Goddess of the Harvest, the season you blessed us with shall be known through time and beyond." Pup pulled a crown woven from wheat grains and grape vines out from his satchel, slowly he placed the crown on her head and kneeled before her.

"All hail Lemon Lane, Goddess of the Harvest!" Shouted Pup again, the children joined in the chanting.

Through the night was dancing, singing, playing, no care seemed to plague them. Lane wiped away tears of joy....touching the tooth around her neck she went to Pup and whispered for him to follow her into the forrest. The two stopped only when they were out of sight.

"What is it Lane?" Asked Pup.

"Pup remember when you gave me this tooth you said I could wish on it, an if that wish was pure as snow it would come true?"

"Yeah...why?" Lane blushed.

"I made a wish on it a moment ago and I...I want it to come true right now....Pup would me the honor....of....of..." Lane blushed deeply.

"Spit it out already!" Barked Pup.

"I want you to give me a kiss!" Lane blurted it out, Pup's breath hitched.

"I...I wish for you to give me a kiss....upon my lips or...well you know..." Lane bashfully looked away.

"W-Why the heck would you want that!?" Pup didn't know what to make of it.

"Before I came here my brothers Sans and Papyrus took me out to show me the mortal world for the first time, I happened to see a couple sharing a kiss and became entranced by has been a secret wish of please Pup...will you grant me this wish?" Lane asked so innocently.

Pup gulped and stared at Lane whose eyes never strayed from his, he wanted to say no but the way he looked at her...her eyes so big and pleading...though many times he told her no even though she was a goddess...this time being so special he had no choice. Taking a deep breath he puckered his lips and leaned forward and waited for her to do the same, Lane giggled and ever so slowly leaned forward her eyes closed ready to share her first kiss with him....

Never did they see the eyes glaring at them, one eye flashed red as a spear materialized beside it. Crimson hair danced like fire as a black aura swirled beside, a flash of a blue eye and a angry smile stood silent. The spear whisked passed the two causing them to fall back, Pup recovered and drew out his knife.

"Whose there!?" Barked Pup hurrying to Lane's side, Lane's eyes widened seeing the two forms materialize.

"S-Sans...Un-Undyne?!" Lane felt fear grow in her chest seeing their furious expressions, Pup remained steadfast.

"Huh a likely pair, death always follows war." Pup softly chuckled but his heart was racing.

"QUIET you worm!" Undyne growled her sharp teeth gnashing.

"P-Pup please." Lane took Pup's hand and gently pulled him away. "Undyne, brother what is going on what are you two doing here?!"

"Same question for you runt, what the hell are you doing playing with mortals?!" Undyne shouted, Sans remained silent. Lane didn't understand what she meant, she held on to Pups arm.

"Pfft doesn't matter, Asgore knows already and he ain't happy. Get your butt over here, we're leavin'!" Barked Undyne, Sans took a step forward causing Lane to step back.

"W-Wait, I don't understand what about-" Lane again was cut off but not by an order, but instead by Pup....a powerful blow from the back of Sans's scythe sent Pup flying into the woods.

"Pup no!" Lane screamed in horror, she tried to run to him but yelped when her brothers hand gripped her hair and yanked her back.

"I think you caused enough trouble fer us, come on." Sans yanked back pulling Lane against him, with one arm around her waist they carried her away.

Pup lay not far from where he was hit, desperately he tried to stand but the gash in his side was deep. He could only watch as Lane was taken, he could hear her screaming his name, begging for him to tell her that he was alright. But his voice failed him...everything was becoming dark...becoming...cold...the world slowly turned black. For a moment he thought he felt someone touching his cheek, someone with warm gentle hands...and a soothing...

"Come my is time you return home...."

End pt.2
Continuing from Part 1

Reapertale belongs to :iconkazunapikachu:

Pup belongs to :iconeomonmoonbertlotanis:

Lane is 13 years old

Pup is 14 years old

the other children are either 9 or 10 years old
© 2017 - 2024 sw124
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EmeraldFoxtrot33's avatar
I like it will there be more